We received notification from Jerry Soukup that Tom Ewing passed away December 10, 2019. Tom's wife notified Jerry. Tom and his wife, Barbara, were living in Indian River, Florida, at the time. Tom's wife said that Tom slipped quietly into heaven. He was battling lung cancer and he's no longer suffering.
If you would like to contact Tom's wife and daughter with a rememberance, their address is:
Barbara and Kathy Ewing
8479 Oakleaf Lane
Indian River, FL 32963
Photo of Tom and Barbara Ewing submitted by Jerry Soukup

Dr. Thomas A Herbert
Tom was the guy that lived near me in the first couple of years at Hamilton School so I had some early adventures riding bikes and roaming the streets downtown. My mother was always warning me to be careful. She did not know all of the crazy things we got into. Tom and I went to the YMCA and swam a lot. I ventured into the weight room and started training early... Like a lot of early friendships we grew apart at JD and by high school we didn't communicate. In a class of 533 there was a lot of drifting away after high school. Tom and I were apart but like many of you, I think about you and the times we lived..
Jerry W Soukup
Tom was in a number of my MHS classes, but I didn’t know him that well, other than he was a bright, approachable, friendly and fun loving person who appeared to enjoy school. But Tom left before graduation to join the Air Force, for what I learned later were very personal reasons.
Didn’t see him until about 1965 – 66, after his military service was completed and he was back in the QCA. He had trained and worked in computers in the Air Force and had completed his GED. We had some great times that summer including a number of “party hardy” episodes.
I remember a time a number of us went to the Muscatine “sand pits” and had a day fin in the sun, swimming and enjoying a beautiful summer day. Tom was an excellent swimmer. I remember in a game of keep-a-way, that if you had the ball, you wanted to watch for this large swell of water coming your way, for in one motion Tom would breach the surface, grab the ball with one hand, and shove you underwater with the other. He was a force.
Lost contact with Tom over the years, but saw him at one of the MHS Reunions, which allowed us to renew our friendship. I managed to see Tom about a half-a-dozen times over the years. He worked for IBM and retired as a Division Vice President, moved to FL and continued to work in IT services. He got his pilot’s license and was very proficient flyer, who really understood the computerization of aviation.
I last saw Tom and Barbara at their Airport Community Home in Ocala. He was still flying, riding motorcycles, and enjoying life!
Tom will be missed.