As far as we know, Mike is the only member of the MHS Class of 1962 whose name is on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C.
The following is the official information about his service in Vietnam.
1LT - O2 - Marine Corps - Reserve
Length of service 1 years
His tour began on Oct 10, 1967
Casualty was on Apr 25, 1968
Body was recovered
Panel 52E - Line 12
Mike is interred at the Rock Island National Cemetery on Rock Island Arsenal Island. The picture of Mike's grave was taken over the Memorial Day weekend 2010.
Fellow MHS classmate, Jon Schiewe provided the picture he took of Mike's name engraved on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC.
Mike entered the USMC Basic Officer Course with the class of 5-67 in May of 1967 and graduated in August of 1967. 43 young men from that class of 516 died in Vietnam. There is a monument to these men at the National Museum of the Marine Corps. Mike's name is on this monument. It is located in Triangle, Virginia, near Quantico.
Patricia L Applegate (Horn)
definately we should look into setting up a scholarship fund in michael' s name
Lana R Jacobs
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. A scholarship fund would be a wonderful idea!Jerry W Soukup
ALL, I think Stuart has an excellent idea!
I had a email discussion with Phil Nissen and he made a good point, are their any other MHS "62" military Veterans who passed on active duty during Vietnam, Mauyeques (sp), Panama, Balkans, Granada, and maybe Desert Storm...? Rick Andeson maybe able to sort data better than I, but after a basic "cut & paste" type check of classmates, it appears Mike Warren is the only one. The thought being that if their are other classmates who died during active duty military the scholarship fund could be for all MHS 62 Veterans who passed while serving. Either way count me in!
Lana R Jacobs
Mike is our only class member who lost his life while on active duty.Russell D Howard
Stuart's idea is excellent and I'm sorry the rest of us did not think of it earlier who knew Mike so well. I suggest that Stu and Woody and Rick get together to set this up. It does take a little work. You will need a 3rd party administrator or a community foundation, a 503c form for tax deductable donations, what total award distributions will be, and how much fund money will be needed to sustain the future distributions.
I will gladly donate if we want to get this going. Again, great idea Stu.
Janet K Pease
post an address and I'll be glad to contribute to a scholrship fund in Mike's name.
Lana R Jacobs
Everyone: Stu, Rick Court and I will soon begin discussing/planning setting up the Mike Warren Scholarship Fund. We will keep you all informed of the progress. Thanks!Nancy A Groene (Bené)
A scholarship in honor or Mike Warren:
Setting up a scholarship fund may be more complicated that first appears:
Who would be charge of the money donated to the scholarship fund? Should there be legal and ethical qualifications for the those in charge of the scholarship? If the amount donated were large enough, would that money be invested so the realized interest or investment income could be doled out for a number of years or in perpetuity? Or would the whole amount or a prescibed portion be awarded annually to a new recipient or a number of recipients? Forever or until the money ran out? Or would that money be donated directly to a particular college or university?
Can I assume the money in the scholarship will be given to a student to help pay for tuition or other expenses incurred while being educated? Tuition for high school? a private high school? A college or university? Most colleges and universities already have in place various scholarship funds which anyone can donate to and will be awarded by the college or university. Sharon Hutton Helgason (our classmate) wanted donations to go to a Augustana female student pursuing a degree in mathematics or science. I made the donation to Augustana in Sharon's name and Augustana took care of the rest.
Which college or university? Where did Mike Warren go to college? And what would be the recipient's or recipients' qualifications for receiving the money? Would there be a competition for thescholarship money or would someone in the class of MHS 1962 or a group just pick the recipient of the scholarship money?
There are a lot of financial, legal, and ethical considerations in setting up a scholarship. And any responsible person considering a donation will want to know all the answers? And all those responsible for the scholarship must have the legal, financial and ethical qualifications to administer the fund.
I remember Mike Warren and how tall he was and nice looking, but I really did not know him.(Remember I was a Coolidge girl.) But from everyone's memories of him, I bet if Mike had lived, he would become knowledgeable enough and sophisticated enough to understand that all these issues must be attended to before anyone starts to send in money for a Mike Warren scholarship fund.
Lana R Jacobs
UPDATE: The Moline Foundation is assisting us with the Scholarship Fund in memory of Mike. They are also currently administrating scholarships through MHS Class of '59 & '65 and are quite experienced, qualified & trustworthy. More updates to follow as we progress through this process. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all you class members who are interested in supporting this endeavor. We can't think of a better way to honor Mike.Nancy A Groene (Bené)
Lana, I think it's excellent that the Moline Foundation will administer the fund. I look forward to knowing more about who will receive the scholarship money. And I will donate.