Thanks to classmate Larry Gull and his wite, Andy (Seitz), we have an obituary for Ray.
Interestingly, Ray is listed as Ray Davis in our year book. And his father and mother are both buried under the name of Davis and his mother's obituary says she married Earl Davis. Whoever wrote the obituary for the newspaper made a mistake making researching for Ray's obituary difficult, as his obituary gives his name as Raymond Davies. The following is from the obituary.
Raymond Lonnie Davies, 50, Mesa, Ariz. formerly of Milan, died Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1994. Memorial services were held Oct. 2 at Bethany Community Christian Church.
Memorials may be made to Hospice of the Valley, 2601 East Thomas Road, Suite 100, Phoenix, 85016.
Mr. Davies was born July 16, 1944 in Moline, the son of Earl C. and Lucile Jones Davies. He married Sharon Kay Malette April 12, 1969 in Moline.
He attended Black Hawk College, Moline.
He lived in Milan until 1987, when he moved to Mesa.
He was maintenance manager of the Buttes Resort Hotel.
Survivors include the widow; a daughter and son-in-law, Lori and Christopher Melander, Chandler, Ariz., Carl Davies, Phoenix; a son, Scott Davies, Mesa; a granddaughter; his mother and stepfather, Lucile and Harry McMurl, East Moline; and a brother, Earl Davies Jr., Dubuque, Iowa.
Gay B Thompson (Vencill)
Such a good looking guy.Clark R Miner
I remember Ray pretty well. And the explanation of his name brought back a memory from homeriom roll call.
it was first day after summer and our male leader pronoun this name Davies.
ray corrected him as it was Davis.
Do I need to? Could it be the miss spelling had started before that time. I can't remember if it was sophomore or Jounior year.
Robert L Sandberg
Ray was well liked by all and he was a very popluar guy, we well miss him in our lives!!!