From the 15 March 1993 Rock Island Argus:
Sandra Eder
Sandra K. Eder, 48, of 1801 13th St. Moline, died Monday March 15, 1993, at Trinity Medical Center, East Campus, Moline.
Services are 1 p.m. Wednesday at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Moline, where she was a member. Burial is in St. Mary's Cemetery, East Moline.
Visitation is 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at DeRoo Funeral Home, Moline. A memorial fund has been established.
The former Sandra K. Downey was born May 12, 1944, in Moline, the daughter of Harold and Lucille Richardson Downey. She married Francis L. Eder Jan. 25, 1986, in Moline.
Mrs. Eder was employed five years at the Quad City Times, as a telephone operator and cashier, until her illness. Before that, she was employed at Eagle Food Store, Moline, American Telephone and Telegraph, Rock Isand, and as a secretary for Dr. Koivun, Moline.
She was a member of Quad City Mississippi Valley Country Western Music Association, where she was a past officer.
She enjoyed music, reading, working in her yard, motorcycle riding, old cars and trucks and treasured her cats.
Survivors include the widower; sisters, Joanne Rodell and Debbie Baker, both of Moline; a brother, Ronald Downey, Silvis; and her mother, Moline.