Sandra Kay Harper
August 7, 1944 - March 22, 2023
Sandra R. Harper was a devoted mother of two, Richard B. Harper, Jr. and Michelle L. Harper. She was married to Richard B. Harper for 52 years. Sandra had three beautiful grandchildren, Benjamin, Owen, and Sequoia (who were the light of her life). Sandra dedicated her life to children, working as a social worker, assistant intake director at Easter Seals, serving on school boards, volunteering at schools, and being a homemaker. Family was everything to Sandra. She loved life. She always had a warm smile and a kind word for everyone.
A memorial service was held on Friday, March 24, 2023, at Cavin-Cook Funeral and Crematory, Mooresville, NC.
Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Iredell County, 2347 Simonton Road, Statesville, NC 28625.
Cavin-Cook Funeral Home & Crematory, Mooresville, is serving the Harper family. Condolences may be made to the family at www.cavin-cook.com.https://www.cavin-cook.com/obituaries/Sandra-Harper-12/#!/Obituary
Stuart V Mott
Oh sandar so soory that you have left are Hign Shool queen class of 62 we will rembere you always with your cher, Find os a soft cloud so the we will slow dance into eternity Love you for ever Stu
Richard C. Anderson
Sandra (she was "Sandy" to me ... not sure why. I can't remember. Maybe that is what we called her in grade school) Anyway, Sandra and I went all through school from Kindergarten through 12th grade in the same schools. Such a nice girl, friendly and talented. I remember her dancing on stage in a talent show when we were in first grade at Roosevelt. Every boy in our grade school class had a crush on her at one time or another. In junior high and high school she was always willing to dance with me, too. Nice memories of her.
Karen Lootens (Chantry)
Dear Sandra. Such a good friend in grade school at Washington Grade School. So much fun as kids playing at your house. We made paper dolls and played games. You will be missed. I remember your mom as a good person. Your dad too.Bob Willis
Sandra......I only knew you for one year, our Senior year, the only year that I lived in Moline. It was easy to see why you were so popular. Oh yes, you were beautiful.....but you also had inner beauty. You were always kind to me.....a kid that just moved from Colorado to Moline. You lived a beautiful life of helping others.....your friends & classmates in school......then, your social work of helping others! You were a blessing to your family...I can just see you loving on your children and precious grandchildren. You have now finished the race...well done, my friend!! I am very glad we met......you are unforgetable.
Lana R Jacobs
Sandy and I had managed to stay in contact since our 55th class reunion via telephone and mail. Whenever I would call her I would say "hey Raby" and she would immediately know it was me. Don't know why, but the entire length of our friendship I always called her Raby and she seemed to like that. Last time we spoke on the phone was September 2022, right before 60th class reunion. When I called her that time & said "hey Raby" she had no idea what I was talking about as the dumb Alzheimer's had really progressed. I vividly remember that last phone conversation and we continued on as all the calls before laughing a lot. She did not remember most of the stories I shared with her from our MHS days, but she laughed anyway and enjoyed hearing them. I will always cherish that last phone call last September!! My most favorite memory is when I was at her house one day, think we were sophomores, and noticed she was had a diary. I said "hey Raby can I read your diary ?"....to which she responded of course..... and that really surprised me! I remember she had a lot of goals written down in that diary; one of them was she was going to be a cheerleader. It's funny the things you remember through the years.
Robert L Sandberg
Sandra was such a poplar girl in school and other places she will be truly be missed by all that knew her.
Dona C Evoy (Elvis)
I will always remember Sandra with a smile on her face and an attitude of happiness. She was blessed.
Sally E Eastland
Sandra and I were friends when I attended the newly opened Washington Grade School which is in the Coolidge School District. But then I moved to the John Deere Jr High school district and we didn't meet up again until High School. There we renewed our friendship and shared the great fun and commitment of being MHS cheerleaders together which included after school rehearsals many nights a week, not to mention cheering at all the games. Sandy epitomized wonderful values of kindness, generosity, perseverance and laughter. She was beautiful inside and out. We seem to be losing too many classmates. Hold your friends close to your heart and tell them frequently how much they mean to you. Make certain you know Jesus as there will be a GREAT REUNION of all our Christian friends in glory...I plan to be there, do you? Thank you God for the life of our friend Sandra Raby Harper. Sally
Diane S Gardner (Desherow)
I too got to know sandra's at Washington grade grade school and were great friends spending lots of time together. We drifted apart when going to Coolidge. I enjoyed her friendship and always considered her a beautiful friend. She will be missed.Woodie Acord
Sandra was always a cheerful and delightful individual. The list of her activities while in high school that is posted in the annual shows her wide range of interests. She was always totally engaged in whatever activities she chose to be involved in. The Homecoming Queen will now go on the join the Homecoming King, Jeff Lundeen, who passed in 1996.