Richard C. Anderson

Profile Updated: April 13, 2023
Richard C. Anderson


Richard C. Anderson


Richard C. Anderson


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In: The Villages, FL USA
Spouse/Partner: Sylvia (Olson) MHS '62
Occupation: Retired
Children: Tim Anderson MHS '87. Married Jada Tullos. Living in Greensboro, NC
Teri Anderson MHS '89. Living More…in Wyoming, MI. Two children, Alex (2001) and Alyssa (2004).
Military Service: United States Air Force  

We split our year between The Villages, Florida, in the winter and Holland, Michigan, in the summer.
After MHS I went to the University of Dubuque, played football and graduated with a Business Administration degree in 1966. Married Sylvia (Olson)(MHS '62) on August 6, 1966 and then went into the USAF from '66 to '71. Came out a Captain. Worked for John Deere for 30+ years. Retired since 2004. Served two terms as a Moline alderman. Served on Moline Plan Commission and on the Moline Police and Fire Commission.

School Story:

I met Sylvia in Miss Hulse's Chemistry class our junior year. We first went out right before our senior year. We kept seeing each other through college, even though Sylvia went to Western Illinois University and I went to Dubuque. We both graduated in 1966 and got married in August of that year. Good ol' Miss Hulse.

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Richard C. Anderson has left an In Memory comment for Jesse Mendoza.
Feb 01, 2025 at 4:35 PM

So many memories over so many years. Too many to recall here. Just want to say that Jesse always had a smile and a welcoming manner. He and Tilli were fun, but more importantly, they were/are good friends. They have many. Our condolences to the family.
Rick & Sylvia Anderson

Oct 23, 2024 at 8:32 PM

Here are a couple of pictures Celia (Smithers) Venable sent of a Canadian canoe trip she took with Carol and Jill Morgan in 1960.  The smiles are a wonderful indicator of how much life was enjoyed in our youth.

Oct 09, 2024 at 9:10 AM

For some reason I have this picture of "High School" Carol, on the right, having some fun with two friends from MHS Class of 1962.  She was a fun person to be around and a very good friend of Sylvia's and mine.  I'm happy she has such a fine family, but will miss not being able to see her again here on earth.

Richard C. Anderson has left an In Memory comment for W H "Tony" Parsons.
Aug 23, 2024 at 11:45 AM

According to our senior yearbook, Tony (who was listed by his given name of Wilton) was active in the followiing things during his time at MHS.  Hopefully, Phil Nissen, you'll be able to say, "Oh, that's where I remember him from!"  I agree that Tony was a well-mannered and well-liked guy.
"WILTON PARSONS, Swingout Committee 12;  Key Club 12;  Hi-Y 10, 11, 12;  Pep Club 11, 12;  French Club 11, 12; JCL 10;  Fine Arts Club 10, 11, 12;  Basketball 10, 11;  Swimming 12 (manager);  Boys Tennis 10, 11;  Intramural Football 12."

Jun 12, 2024 at 11:26 AM

It’s good that life provides us more time to enjoy than to grieve. You and Kathy had a long time together and that time was obviously joyous. You did a wonderful job of honoring her life. Wishing you well.

Apr 10, 2024 at 9:22 AM

Happy birthday Rick!! We’ve had many great times at MHS and after. Have a great day and thanks for this web site.

Apr 10, 2024 at 9:16 AM

Happy Birthday Rick. Thanks so very much for the wonderful web site for our ‘62’ class.
I read it every morning. I too liked Miss Hulse. I’m glad she was there to help merge you with Sylvia. I all ways felt you were a “good guy”. Clark

Apr 10, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Richard C. Anderson has left an In Memory comment for Larry Duncan.
Mar 07, 2024 at 10:05 AM

Thanks to Clark Miner for providing some information about Larry A. Duncan.
We've updated Larry's file to show that he passed away in 2002 at the age of 58.
The picture of him is from our 1960 yearbook when he was a sophomore at MHS.
The picture of his grave and additional information is from "Find a Grave"

Feb 08, 2024 at 12:10 PM

HI, Jim. Rick Court says Danny Jefferies is trying to get a hold of you.
I'm going to wish you an early birthday, too. Hard to believe we're going to be ... as old as we are! (Also, I got a kick out of your comment about having a good seat at the Moline basketball games!) Take care.

Jan 11, 2024 at 6:15 PM

Your comments on Mary Walleart’s page were right on, Ken. She and George were tops. Gonna miss them.

Richard C. Anderson has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Jan 11, 2024 at 8:23 AM

Mary was one of Sylvia's "Moline" friends since their school days to their last days together having spent many "club" times together along with all the others who enjoyed their mutual friendships.  Mary and George threw the best gatherings and had the best real life stories.  Two more really good friends you couldn't have.  Mary's most enduring quality may have been that she took people as they were.  She really liked others.

Jerry W Soukup posted a message on Richard C. Anderson's Profile. New comment added.
Aug 23, 2023 at 6:54 PM

Posted on: Aug 13, 2023 at 1:12 PM


Just a Thought,                     

MHS Class of “62” web site comments by classmate Ken Storm stimulated an idea. After Ron Bernat’s passing, Ken wrote how interesting it was to find out how multi-faceted Ron’s life had been and that it would be nice to have information about classmates prior to their passing.

Ken, Jennifer, and I sat together at the Saturday night dinner dance at the 60th. I mentioned to Ken that his personal MHS Class of “62” page was great and gave insight to how a classmate had lived his life after MHS graduation.

It seems that it might be time to try to reinvigorate a Classmate Outreach Program. It would be outreach not be intrusive and would have the approval of the classmate or heir(s). The purpose is to hopefully know our Classmates better.
Present active web site members would reach out to Class members, who are not active members, to see if the non-member will either submit a life brief themselves to the MHS Class of “62” web site or give their approved information to the contacting classmate for submittal.

The thought is an attempt to get profiles on every MHS Class of 1962 graduate or classmate, a worthy goal for an “Outstanding” class.

The above idea is just a draft, but I wondered if you could pass it by the Reunion Organizers and local QCA Class group that meet periodically for their thoughts.

Go Maroons,
Jerry Soukup
52 Hansen’s Rd., Jelm, WY 82063
(307) 745-8075 / (307) 399-3455

P.S. Will be pulling a better Jerry & Geri Soukup life profile together.

Apr 20, 2023 at 12:31 PM

Happy Birthday, Sylvia.
Hope it’s a good one.
Lobster dinner out with friends sounds good.

Richard C. Anderson has left an In Memory comment for Al Stevens.
Apr 15, 2023 at 10:29 AM

When I was at Coolidge Mr. Stevens was my gym teacher.  One time he found I had too many towels in my locker and punished me by making me do pushups all gym class instead of being able to dance with the girls that day!  Funny looking back on it.  Sylvia was a teacher at MHS when he was the principal.  Like Rich Baldwin said, he was tough but fair.  He was friendly with my folks when my brother and his son went on to play football at Northwestern about the same time.  He was an asset to the Moline school system for a long time.

Apr 10, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Richard C. Anderson has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Apr 03, 2023 at 8:38 AM

Sandra (she was "Sandy" to me ... not sure why.  I can't remember.  Maybe that is what we called her in grade school)  Anyway, Sandra and I went all through school from Kindergarten through 12th grade in the same schools.  Such a nice girl, friendly and talented.  I remember her dancing on stage in a talent show when we were in first grade at Roosevelt.  Every boy in our grade school class had a crush on her at one time or another.  In junior high and high school she was always willing to dance with me, too.  Nice memories of her.

Mar 01, 2023 at 7:34 AM

Hi, Tom. I read in the online newspaper that your mother passed away very recently. She had an amazingly long life, but I'm sure you will still miss her. My mother is expecting to celebrate her 100th in August, 2023. My condolences to you and your family.

Richard C. Anderson has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Feb 05, 2023 at 1:09 PM

Living in Moline as long as we did, I'd run into Ron here and there over the years.  Really nice guy to talk with and he led an interesting life to boot.  RIP, Ron.  Glad I knew you.

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Posted: Jun 07, 2019 at 2:20 PM
Posted: May 18, 2018 at 4:25 PM
Picture of Sylvia and me (on either end) with our daughter, Teri, next to Sylvia, and our son, Tim, next to Teri. Tim's wife, Jada, is next to him. Our friends, Larry and Diane Hartwig are also in the picture. This was taken in our "birdcage" at our house in The Villages, Florida, spring 2018.
Posted: May 18, 2018 at 4:22 PM
Photo of me in my American Legion Post 347 honor guard uniform right before marching in a parade in The Villages, Florida, spring 2018.