Sadly we received word very recently that Carol has passed away after a long battle with cancer. Her immediate family members are still making plans for a private family goodbye. If any further information becomes available this page will be updated.
Gay B Thompson (Vencill)
Such sad news. I heard at the 80th party that Carol was struggling with cancer and wasn't strong enough to attend our party. It would have been so nice to see her again. Just a few years ago she hosted a very nice get together in San Antonio for of a few of the girls in our class. It was at that reunion that I learned that Carol's darling daughter was my favorite dress shop manager in my hometown of Allen, Texas--some 300 miles away.. I wil remember Carol as a lovely person with a great sense of humor. My sincere condolences to her family. I know her absence will leave a hole in their hearts.
Richard C. Anderson
For some reason I have this picture of "High School" Carol, on the right, having some fun with two friends from MHS Class of 1962. She was a fun person to be around and a very good friend of Sylvia's and mine. I'm happy she has such a fine family, but will miss not being able to see her again here on earth.
Sally E Eastland
How does one encapsulate the life of a loved one? Carol Thorngren Stoller affectionately known in my family as "Kettle" is one of my longest known friends from grade school, JR High and HS and on through into college when she was a sorority sister but at a different University. We even kept in touch after we began separate careers as teachers...she was in Oregon and I was in Illinois. In 1968 I had swapped teaching for flying the friendly skies and was based in Seattle, only a few hours from Portland where Carol was teaching. After several visits and some convincing on my part, one year later Carol too was a Flight Attendant for United. We had wonderful adventures and vacations and through that career swap she unexpectedly encountered a former University of Iowa beau while walking through the SFO airport. She married the young Air Force Dr. Rich Stoller and had 3 children after they settled in San Antonio, TX. I guess our friendship was instrumental in the trajectory her life took by joining the airline.
We have kept up with each other over all these years even if we didn't talk or visit often. Gay Thompson Vencill mentioned the wonderful girl get togethers that some of us from Class of 62 shared over the years in such lovely places as Hilton Head, Nantucket, Naples, San Francisco and one in San Antonio organized by Carol. Her talents are many, but if you have not seen the amazing quilts she designed and made, you are missing out.
I wanted her to come to the 80th Birthday party but she didn't sound healthy enough to come. I promised to visit her this fall in TX, but her body gave out after battling colon cancer off and on over the years. "Kettle" was just shy of being 80...October 17th is her birthday and so she remains eternally younger than I am. I miss you my dear sweet friend and was blessed to have known you ALL THESE YEARS.
Pamela Saunders (Schofield)
Carol was a special friend through school days in Moline. I was later blessed to know her as an adult friend at some of the Girls' Reunions. After the get together in San Antonio, my David and I had a wonderful evening with Carol and Rich. I was privledged to view her lovely quits - what a talent she had. She made zippered quilt bags for each of the gals and I still use mine daily! David and Rich hit if off, both with military backgrounds. Rich showed him many of his lovely woodwork pieces and they shared stories! I treasure the time we spent together. I am sorry Carol was not able to attend the birthday party this fall. She will be missed.
Jacqueline Sandler (Wildermuth)
Carol and I become best friends our sophmore year We both had Oct birthdays and didnt get out license until our Junior year. We were supose to be going to the library but went riding around instead. We were pretty much inseparable (Sylvia too when she wasn't with Rick) We lost touch when she when away to college and I went to BlackHawk. We reconnected this summer, seems like we just picked up where we left off. I will always remember the memoires we shared. Miss her forever
Richard C. Anderson
Here are a couple of pictures Celia (Smithers) Venable sent of a Canadian canoe trip she took with Carol and Jill Morgan in 1960. The smiles are a wonderful indicator of how much life was enjoyed in our youth.